Past client success stories


Read past clients' success stories.


But first, hear some past client experiences

"I worked with Alice over several years to help me understand my passion and move from a clinical career to an IT career."

I worked with Alice over several years to help me understand my passion and move from a clinical career to an IT career. During our sessions, Alice used tools to help me unpack what makes me tick and to better understand what type of work I would find enjoyable. Now, several years later, I have transitioned from an audiologist to a developer and now I have a very fulfilling career in cyber security -- a journey that would not have been possible had I not spent time with Alice.

- Jac, IT Project Manager

"Choosing to work with Alice is one of the single best investments of time and money I have ever made. I had spent many months trying to find someone who could help me get a greater understanding of my personal values and worth professionally and keep me accountable for some of the things I always wanted to do..."

In under a few months I went from saying 'I don't know if I have valuable skills anyone would want' to saying 'not only do I have valuable skills, but they're in high demand and worth something!'. Alice was instrumental in helping me see through the self-doubt and articulate what these skills are, and how best to package them up for the world. Of more importance, I now clearly know what excites me professionally and how to find alignment in my current and future work. Alice helped me through the process of interviewing for new roles and I have since landed a new and exciting job that meets my work-based values, uses my talents, and will continue to push me professionally."

- T, Communications Team Lead, Brunswick, Melbourne

"Alice helped me to clarify my goals, identify my roadblocks, and..."

"Before contacting Alice I was running in circles and procrastinating about giving a go to some of my ideas on building a photography business. Alice helped me to clarify my goals, to identify my roadblocks and we worked together with specific issues regarding time management, expectations, fear of failure, networking and self-promotion. Now I have a clear roadmap to where I would like to be, a tailor-made system to make progress towards my goals, and an upgraded belief system in check that is helping me rather than pulling me back. The fact she has a bag full of coaching tricks plus her enthusiastic and empathic personality made this coaching journey a very enjoyable one. I’m sure she has lots of value to offer to you too."

- Alfredo Prado, Freelance Photographer, Melbourne

"Alice was fantastic and helped me break down the job description..."

"You're coming up to an interview for your dream job. A job that you feel quite under-qualified and under-experienced for. I was nervous. The selection criteria seemed to loom over me and my little resume. I knew I needed to change my attitude and instil in myself confidence that this was achievable and I was indeed not only skilled for this role, but that it was totally within my grasp.

I met with Alice to help with these nerves and change my perception from feeling not good enough, to a can-do, the-skys-the-limit approach. Alice was fantastic and sat with me and went through the job description, breaking down phrases and jargon into key criteria and matching personal attributes I knew I had with professional experiences that I felt comfortable talking about. Rather than assuming my specific skill set was too narrow or irrelevant, it put my mind at ease instantly now understanding how the skills and experiences I'd gained in the past met the competencies required for this new role. Alice gave me a series of simple activities that allowed me to focus on my key strengths, understand what makes my skills and experiences unique and most effectively to change my attitude from under-qualified to the perfect person for the role. I went into the interview with a series of tools to showcase my strengths and a mentality that this job was SO right for me – I was confident, qualified and prepared. These techniques and exercises from Alice helped immensely and I would recommend Alice to any professional wanting a change in career or to step up into a new role.

If you’re feeling that a job is beyond your reach, talk to Alice – she’ll not only help decode rigorous selection criteria but most importantly help change your attitude - so when you walk into your interview you don’t just think you're experienced and confident, you'll know and fully feel experienced and confident."

- N, Project Manager in Creative Services, Brunswick, Victoria

"Alice gave me some excellent insights which really helped me learn about behaviours and patterns..."

"I went to Alice after leaving a role due to an aggressive boss. The circumstances of my departure saw me paid out for a few months and left my confidence shaken and in shock. It was a situation and occurrence I had never been through before. A friend recommended Alice.

I was looking to rebuild my focus, get some understanding of what had happened on a bigger picture scale and some coping mechanisms, and reaffirm that I was working in an area I loved and delivered in. Alice gave me some excellent insights straight away which really helped me learn about behaviours and patterns. Insights from our first few sessions allowed me to see the bigger picture and move past the experience, focusing on myself, my skills and what I wanted to achieve next, was it to go it alone and launch a business or return to the 9-5.

To be able to discuss the issues I'd been through with Alice and some behaviours I had recognised in myself that I wanted to change, was really beneficial. In our sessions, she talked me through activities that refocused me away from the past situation and onto the future and put me back on track with a newly revived energy to succeed and believe in my own success again. With Alice's help I learnt to value what I needed from a role, a company and from my next career step. I came out of things with a much more determined belief that I was worthy of my seniority at any company. Thanks Alice!"

- Holly, Corporate Communications, Melbourne

"Before I worked with Alice I was unhappy and seemed to be a victim of circumstances..."

"Before I worked with Alice I was putting in a lot of effort at work but was unhappy and seemed to be a victim of circumstances. During working with Alice I loved learning about the brain and my tendencies and I looked forward to every session. After working with Alice I moved into a team with a great culture and was promoted to a team lead. I feel more competent and in control of my career now."

- M, Financial Services, Melbourne

"Alice focused on my strengths and turned them into a profitable business model for me..."

"I got in touch with Alice because I was actually just really curious about what coaching was. I didn’t really know what coaching was and what it actually involved.

I happened to stumble upon Alice’s website through an article she wrote about 'purpose'. It caught my attention because I was at a point in my life where I believed I had found my purpose, but I needed help monetizing it. That was why I decided to get coaching with Alice. Her work background was the right fit for me, and we soon as we finished our first conversation on the phone, I felt like it really clicked. Gaining the courage to explore my ideas and take action into making them become a reality. She focused on my strengths and exploited that into a profitable business model for me. She took something I was good at, threw some ideas at me, and guided me through the process of making this idea happen. She held me accountable for my actions. And even if I wasn’t sure if I was capable of doing something, she was always there to remind me of all the reasons why I can be confident and pushed me to keep going despite my doubts and uncertainty.

The result was I ended up building a climbing business where I built a website from scratch, gathered clients and took them out climbing all in less than 3 months. One thing I liked was Alice always made sure our meetings had an intention behind them. It allowed us to stay focused on that intention and ensure that our goals were met by the end of the session. We had 'Action Steps' at the end of every meeting, which I now use for all of my projects and goals. I found the experience productive, enjoyable, and enlightening. I never thought I could accomplish the things I had accomplished in such a little time. In fact, it was all on me.

I knew I could do it all this time, but Alice really made sure that the lack of confidence, the fear, and the doubts did not stop me from achieving the goals I’ve wanted to achieve for myself, and I thank her for that.

I would recommend Alice to people who need to find clarity, who need business ideas, who need guidance in their career, and to anyone who feels like they have been called to a greater purpose, but just don’t know where to start. Alice has played a big impact in my life and I could not be any more grateful to have worked with her."

- Emma Conatoe, Founder and Instructor, Montreal,

"Alice challenged my perspectives and taught me skills to reframe my fears and anxieties..."

"Before I started coaching I constantly felt anxious about my work and doubted everything I did. It was even hard to relax outside of work because I was always worried about what was happening at work. I had dreams of doing something more fulfilling but it was hard to be motivated, or even know where to start. Alice challenged my perspectives and taught me skills to reframe

"When I first met Alice for a coaching session, I felt very comfortable and had an immediate connection. "

I started seeing Alice for coaching because I was feeling unhappy in my career and wanted to find a different career direction. I was really struggling with my self-confidence and my fear of failure kept me feeling stuck. Her coaching style is very effective, she really listens and has this ability to coach me to keep me on track with my goals and moving forward. I am now clear on where I am headed and am progressing nicely, and have overcome my fear of putting myself out there. I look forward to every session with Alice, and I am getting amazing results. I highly recommend her for coaching and keeping you on track to achieve your career and life goals. - Sharon, Consultant

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