Feeling stuck in your career?

Do the Career Quiz. Identify your barriers, gain clarity, and take new action towards your next best career with advice from career coach.

What others are saying about Alice

"Found career clarity"

“I would recommend Alice to people who need to find clarity, who need guidance in their career, and to anyone who feels like they have been called to a greater purpose, but just don’t know where to start.”

- Emma

"Got a promotion"

“After working with Alice I moved into a team with a great culture and was promoted to a team lead. I feel more competent and in control of my career now. "

- Marika

"Hired for my talents"

"(With Alice's support) I have since landed a new and exciting job that meets my work-based values, uses my talents, and will continue to push me professionally”

- Tresna

Uncertain about your career future?

Whether you're at a crossroads, navigating a major career change, or simply questioning if you're on the right path, our Career Quiz is here to help you find clarity and direction. Designed with real-life challenges in mind, this resource is perfect for anyone looking to take control of their career journey.

Does this sound like you?

  • You're asking, is there something better out there for me?

  • You're unsure about your current job and how it aligns with your strengths and values.

  • You're looking to pivot into a new industry or role but uncertain where to start.

  • You're unsure which career path best suits your skills and aspirations.

  • You're feeling unfulfilled and seeking clarity on your next career move.

  • You want to re-evaluate your career choices to get momentum and spark back into your work life.

Access your Career Exploration Quiz & Workbook now. It’s completely free, and you'll have instant access. Time to stop being stuck and start progressing in the right direction.

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